Accounting & Information System Majors ONLY
As an Accounting or Information System major, you will be required to have a laptop for the duration of your undergraduate program.
You are NOT required to purchase your laptop through our discount program, but you do HAVE to have a laptop that meets certain specifications. Requirements are as follows:
- Microsoft Windows 7 or higher
- Microsoft Office Professional 2010 or higher (Students will use Microsoft Access in their classes.)
All other Norm Brodsky College of Business Majors
As a student it is highly recommended that you have your own laptop throughout the duration of your undergraduate program.
Student information for personally owned devices. To review the laptop required specifications, determine pricing and to order a laptop, please follow the link above.
If you have any information questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Norm Brodsky College of Business Dean’s office at 609-896-5152. For any technical questions, please contact our Office of Information Technology at 609-219-3000.