Calling all community college transfers!
At the STEM Summer Institute you’ll get the chance to experience first-hand what it’s like to pursue a science or math major at Rider University…for free!

Summer Institute Dates
Application is currently closed. Check back Spring 2023 for next year's details!
The cost is free. The experience is priceless.
Give your STEM career, at Rider and beyond, a running start! Majoring in science, technology, engineering or math is challenging, but deeply rewarding. You owe it to yourself to make the most informed decision on which four-year college is the best for you. We know that the small class sizes, hands-on laboratory and field experiences, and cutting-edge research opportunities offered at Rider make it the ideal environment for any STEM major. But don’t just take it from us. Experience it for yourself!

Join a small cohort of potential community college transfers from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware to explore everything Rider's STEM programs have to offer! The STEM Summer Institute, collaboratively designed by faculty from Rider University’s science & math departments, will give you the opportunity to:
- Gain hands-on laboratory and field experience.
- Become familiar with the challenges of the Rider STEM curriculum, and become comfortable with the myriad campus resources of which you can take advantage to meet (and exceed) our high expectations.
- Become assimilated into our fun and supportive community of Rider faculty and students.
- Learn about full-tuition & partial-tuition scholarship and fellowship opportunities.
- Receive personally customized guidance on eligibility for general academic and STEM scholarships, and overall financial aid packages.
- And get your hands on some Rider swag, of course.

Scholarship Opportunity
All participants who complete the STEM Summer Institute will receive an additional $2,000 scholarship to Rider, renewable for up to three years, as long as you maintain a 3.0 GPA before and while you are enrolled.

I already loved the campus as I drove around a few months ago for information on the STEM scholars program. Coming to the summer institute just enhanced my view of the school. From the mentors and faculty to getting a sense of how classes would be, I love everything about Rider.
Tentative schedule
During the three-day residential program, you’ll live in an air-conditioned residence hall on campus alongside mentors who are current Rider University STEM students. All meals are covered, and students, mentors, and faculty will eat their meals together in Daly Dining Hall or other venues. We will work personally with participants to ensure that all dietary needs and restrictions are accommodated.
How to apply
Apply for the STEM Summer Institute using the form below. The priority deadline is May 1, 2022. Decisions for the priority deadline will be released by May 16. Adherence to this deadline is strongly recommended for this competitive 20-person program. The final deadline is June 15, 2022. Decisions for the final deadline will be determined on a rolling basis until this date.
The 2022 application is now closed. Please check back for future updates.
The following documents are required for your online application to be considered complete:
- Unofficial transcript(s)
- Personal essay (400-500 words) answering the following questions: Why should you be selected to participate in Rider University’s STEM Summer Science Institute? What do you think you will gain from this experience? How do you envision this experience shaping your future as a STEM college student and ultimately professional? Feel free to talk about your background, your goals, and anything else you think should make you stand out as an applicant.
Note that this essay will be the most important way we judge your application, so make sure your essay is thoughtful, edited, and let us get to know you!

It is also strongly suggested (although not required) that you have filed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), even if you are not considering transferring until next year. Rider uses the FAFSA as the foundation for all financial aid awards, and our counselors will be able to best advise you on your potential aid package at Rider if your profile has been sent to them already. Don’t forget to include Rider's six-digit code (002628) on the application.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination (completion of the two-dose vaccine or one dose for single-dose vaccine) is required to attend on-campus programs. This proof will not be needed at time of application, but will be requested upon your acceptance into the program.

It changed my whole view of a 4-year institution, it also immersed me with different types of scientific experiments and field work and that was the part that I enjoyed the most.
For questions about the STEM Summer Institute at Rider University, contact:
Associate Professor, Director of STEM Scholars
Mike and Patti Hennessy Science and Technology Center
djacobs [at]
Academic Focus: Chemistry