The MacMillan Scientific Research Fellowship provides a stipend to undergraduate science students who are participating in laboratory research with their professor. Awards are made for the fall, spring, and summer sessions. Please see below for application details.
- Open to science majors who are interested in academic research.
- Must work with a Rider faculty member on the project; letter of recommendation is required.
- First half of stipend is awarded at the start of the semester, with the second half awarded upon completion of final report.
- Must complete application: MacMillan Fellowsh
ip Application
Application Details:
- The first section: Name, major, current GPA, research mentor and title of research project.
- The second section: Brief description of the research project - include the goals, the methodology and expected outcomes.
The first two sections should be no more than 500 words or one-page total.
- The third section: Personal statement explaining how this research opportunity will be of benefit to you:
- What do you expect to learn about your science?
- What do you hope to gain beyond the development of new scientific knowledge?
- How will this impact your studies moving forward?
Personal statement should not exceed 450-500 words – or a single typewritten page.
- Letter of recommendation from faculty mentor which is to be e-mailed directly to Dr. John Guers.
Please note the parameters of the award:
- Student and faculty member must mutually decide upon schedule.
- Research must be presented at ISCAP day.
- Final report due at the end of the semester.
Please contact one of the committee members:
Assistant Professor
Mike and Patti Hennessy Science and Technology Center
jguers [at]
Academic Focus: Health Sciences

Associate Professor
Mike and Patti Hennessy Science and Technology Center
gsmalley [at]
Academic Focus: Oceanography

Assistant Professor I
Mike and Patti Hennessy Science and Technology Center
dlu [at]
Academic Focus: Computer Science