Rider University prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. This includes sex and gender-based discrimination including discrimination based on pregnancy, marital status and new parent status. Rider is dedicated to ensuring the protection and equal treatment of pregnant students, students with pregnancy-related conditions and students who are new parents (regardless of gender or gender identity) in compliance with Title IX.
Pregnancy related conditions include false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery from these conditions. New parenting (regardless of gender or gender identity) involves the introduction of a new child to the home due to childbirth, adoption or fostering, typically up to 4 to 6 weeks from the time the child enters the home.
Pregnant and new parenting students are entitled to reasonable accommodations so that they are not disadvantaged in their courses of study. This is the responsibility of Rider’s Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance in coordination with the student, their faculty and academic department.
For more information, contact the Director of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance or Title IX Coordinator via the contact information listed below.
Also, Room 133 in the Bart Luedeke Center, just outside the Student Affairs suite and across from the Center for International Education, is available for students and employees to breast feed or pump. For questions regarding the room availability, please contact the Director of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance or Title IX Coordinator via the contact information below.
Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Planning; Secretary to the Board; Title IX Coordinator
Moore Library
dstasolla [at] rider.edu
(609) 896-5228

Director of Title IX & Equal Opportunity Compliance
Moore Library
rmckinney [at] rider.edu