How to Apply for Your Board Certified Coach Credential
Once you have completed the educational requirements for the coaching credential, you are ready to apply to become a Board Certified Coach (BCC). Please contact Adam Lucas in the Office of Field Placement & State Certification to start the application process. Rider University will provide you with a Certificate of Completion for your coaching program.
You will need to send Adam the following form to begin the process of applying for your BCC credential:
- Client Hours Tracking Sheet (.docx) - This sheet must be signed by your professor or the faculty program director, indicating that you have completed your 30-hours of coaching fieldwork.
- Student coach liability insurance can be obtained from HPSO or Lockton Affinity, which is linked through the CCE website. Students who are not engaging in coaching practice as part of existing job duties should obtain student coach liability insurance.
- When seeking professor or program director signature on your hours log, please submit the description of hours form (.docx) to the professor or program director alongside your completed log of hours. Please note the requirements below:
- Students cannot use counseling practicum or internship placements to obtain these coaching practice hours.
- For students who started the Life and Career Coaching Certificate Program at Rider in Spring 2022 or later, hours completed as part of class (e.g., practice sessions) cannot count for the 30 hours of practice).
- For students who started the Life and Career Coaching Certificate Program at Rider in Fall 2021 or earlier, hours completed as part of class (e.g., practice sessions) can count for the 30 hours of practice.
- If a student started the program during Fall 2021 or earlier and has taken a 2-year break or less from classes, they can still count hours they accrued in classes (they can count hours accrued in classes before they took their break from classes and hours accrued in classes when they return to take classes).
- If a student started the program during Fall 2021 or earlier and has taken over a 2-year break from classes, they cannot count any hours accrued in classes (they cannot count hours accrued in classes taken prior to the 2+ year break or after the 2+ year break).
The BCC application is available via the Council for Credentialing and Education’s (CCE) website. For the Professional Endorsement and Verification of Experience forms in the BCC application, please list the following name and email: Adam Lucas ([email protected]), as he will complete these forms. Please note that Adam cannot complete the verification of experience form until he has a signed hours tracking sheet showing that you completed the 30 hours of coaching practice.
You also need to formally apply for graduation from the Rider coaching certificate program. Go to MyRider, go to your Student tab, and then select “apply to graduate.” Please note that there is no cost associated with completing a certificate program. Contact [email protected] with any questions.
For more information, please contact:
Director of Clinical Internships
Bierenbaum Fisher Hall
lucasa [at]

Professor, Director of Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Coaching Programs
Bierenbaum Fisher Hall
jbuser [at]
Academic Focus: Counseling Services