Learn Italian or German
Supplement your degree in another foreign language or discipline outside of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Culture with introductory and intermediate courses in Italian and German.
Germany is the third largest economy in the world. It is a useful language for business.In addition, knowledge of German can deepen your understanding of psychology and philosophy.
Italy is known for its art, music and wonderful food. Studying Italian can improve your understanding of musical terms. For Italian-Americans, Italian studies can bring them a deeper understanding of their heritage.
Students may take beginning and intermediate courses in Italian 100, 101, 200 and 201 and German 100, 101, 200 and 201 as per placement. These courses will count for the foreign language requirement.
Fine Arts Building
mvillalobos [at] rider.edu
Academic Focus: Spanish, World Language, ESL, and Bilingual Education