The Office of Community Standards Application for Lesser-Level Appeals Consideration Name Date Please indicate the date this form is being filled out. Student ID Number Phone Number Campus Address Original Decision Made By Incident Report Number Date of Incident Please indicate the date of incident. Date of Original Decision Please indicate the date of original decision. Description of Incident Appellant is Seeking Modification / Reduction of Penalty Reversal of Decision New Hearing Text It is expected that the appellant making the appeal will attach a typed statement of arguments and evidence to support each reason for the appeal indicated below. This statement should also include the outcome sought from this appeal. In addition to this information, the appeals panel will also have access to the original reports and disposition. Reasons for Appeal The alleged behavior did not constitute a violation of the code of social conduct or other applicable university regulations. There was a violation of the student’s rights under the code of social conduct or other applicable university regulations. There was a violation of procedure as stated in the code of social conduct or other applicable university regulations. There was an improper interpretation of the code of social conduct or other applicable university regulations. The sanctions are overly harsh. There is new information that could have affected the outcome of the original finding. Personal hardship. Other. Other Please attach typed statement below. Typed Statement One file only.256 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, html, pdf, doc, docx. Text 2 Please note: appeal MUST be submitted within 2 business days from the date of the Administrative Hearing for consideration. When preparing an appeal, it may be helpful to utilize The Student Code of Social Conduct in order to present a clear, concise rationale. Appeals heard by the Appeals Panel are done so entirely on the basis of written documents. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. * Indicates a required field