Interested in Becoming a Member of the Greek Community?

Recruitment is a year-long process that fraternities and sororities host in order to meet new people and introduce them to all that Fraternity & Sorority Life has to offer. Most of the chapters at Rider can offer membership to anyone at anytime, provided they meet the values-based requirements established by the National Organization or the University.
All Rider students must complete 12 Rider University credits and achieve a 2.5 cumulative GPA to be eligible to participate in recruitment. It is important to remember that it's never too late to join! Joining a fraternity or sorority isn't just something to do when you are a first-year student - sophomores, juniors and even seniors sometimes join and since it's a lifetime membership, there are many ways to be involved even as an alumni.
For Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) and National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) organizations, Fall Recruitment is the time at the beginning of the fall semester when these chapters have individual events to introduce students to their organizations. Formal Recruitment is the time at the beginning of the spring semester when the chapters have the most structured events and info sessions to introduce students to their organizations. Typically, this is when the majority of chapters will distribute invitations to membership (bids). All of the chapters will host events together as well as individually each semester to help students make the decision about which chapter is the best fit for his/her personality. Women interested in finding out recruitment dates and Formal Recruitment information for NPC Chapters can do so through Campus Director.
For Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations, the recruitment and intake process varies for each chapter and is not coordinated by their respective council. The process is at the discretion of each organization and may include interest meetings and events. Some chapters work with a Graduate Chapter or their inter/national headquarters for permission and support to conduct recruitment/intake processes.
For additional information and to connect with a specific chapter, please complete the interest form below: