How Mackenzie Currier found her #HomeAtRider : "I transferred to Rider as a junior in the fall of 2021 and right away I knew I made the right decision. When I was looking at schools to transfer to, Rider stood out to me because of all the opportunities health science majors are given in terms of internship experiences. I also fell in love with the campus and the small community, especially coming from a big university. I immediately got involved in Relay For Life because I have been in involved with it since middle school. This year, I served as the fundraising and sponsorship chair and I’m so proud of the event we put on. Although there are many, my favorite Rider memory was my first Rock Fest. Since I was a new student, I was able to meet lots of people who quickly became my friends, all while eating food from the food trucks and having fun. My advice for future Broncs would be to go to every campus event possible whether it’s Rock Fest, R Factor, Relay For Life or anything else Rider offers!" Mackenzie is a senior health sciences major. She is currently interning at Lawrence Rehabilitation Hospital and serves as the fundraising and sponsorship chair for @rider.relay.