How Kailee Herman found her #HomeAtRider : "I chose Rider because I preferred the small campus aspect where I could grow greater connections with my classmates and professors. By having smaller classes I have been able to create one-on-one relationships with my professors who are always available for guidance and support. It has never taken my professors more than a day to respond to an email I have sent them with a question or concern, which is not the experience for most students who go to a bigger university. My favorite Rider memory was my freshman year when I was meeting all the different students in my building and becoming close to them within just a couple of days. I have also had many great professors who have done nothing but help me and guide me into the professional world, which I am grateful for." Kailee is a junior cybersecurity major and criminal justice minor. She is the treasurer for CybHer, a club for women in cybersecurity at Rider and recently attended the WiCyS (Women in Cybersecurity) 2023 Conference in Colorado.