How Rachel Schwenk found her #HomeAtRider : “As I am from Berks County, Pennsylvania, I did not know much about Rider until I received a recruitment letter for track and field my junior year of high school. During my overnight visit, I quickly fell in love with the campus and the atmosphere it created, so there was no doubt in my mind that Rider was the perfect fit for me. Choosing one favorite memory from my time at Rider has proven to be very difficult, but the memory that sticks out the most is the 2021 MAAC Championship. Despite an injury, I threw a personal record and placed fourth in our conference. My advice for future Rider students is to step outside of your comfort zone, take every opportunity you get, network with students and professors, and, most importantly, be yourself!” Rachel is a junior marketing major with a minor in business analytics. She is a member of @riderxctf and @riderthrows, a peer mentor for @riderbusiness, a content tutor for @ridercareers, an executive board member of @ridersaac, a member of @morgansmessage_rider and a social media assistant for University Marketing & Communications.