How Kaitlyn Wong found her #HomeAtRider: "I came to Rider after being recruited to play on the women’s soccer team. After touring the school, I really fell in love with the small environment and how easy it would be for me to get involved on campus and maximize all the different resources provided by the school. Off the bat, my freshman year I was a finalist for Rider's Collegiate Business Concept Competition and the Business in Action Program. Being able to accomplish that within my first year gave me the confidence to try new things, explore new clubs and most importantly challenge myself and what I believed I could do. During the beginning of my senior year, I accepted a scholarship to attend Oxford University for the Moonshots and Moneymakers Conference alongside 19 other students where we had the opportunity to network and learn from some of the best entrepreneurs in the US. While there, I was so inspired by my peers, advisors and the entrepreneurs. After the trip, I was even able to land a job as the director of digital marketing of Game RX Sport, a sports pharmacy topical treatment company based in Torrance, California. I am so grateful for the experiences, connections and knowledge that Rider has provided me." Kaitlyn is a senior marketing and sport management double major. She was a three-year member of the @riderwsoccer team. She is a tour guide for @rideruadmissions, a member of @daarstoc, a marketing assistant for @riderathletics and a member of the @riderbusiness honors program. See our link in bio to learn more about Kaitlyn's experience at Oxford.