How Riley Mozes found her #HomeAtRider: "Rider has been a significant part of my life, even since I was little. My dad started working here when I was 7 years old, so whenever I had off from school, I would get to come talk with all of the college kids. When it was time for me to attend college, I decided to attend another university and get as far away from my family as I could. But after my first year, I decided it would be best to transfer home because I realized how much I valued time with my friends and family. Not only that, but I realized how much a smaller school would help me become a leader and accomplish my academic goals in the STEM field. I did not realize how much of an impact Rider had on me growing up until I came here. To me, everyone felt like familiar face, but I still didn’t know anyone here. I decided to join Alpha Xi Delta during my first year to ultimately meet new people and be a part of a community greater than myself. Since joining, I gained the confidence to branch out even more, which proved to be difficult over Zoom. However, I persisted. I was offered the position of orientation leader in the spring of my first year at Rider, and things felt like they were falling into place. Being on the orientation staff gave me the opportunity to meet some of my best friends, and provided me the skills and leadership that led me to all of the positions I currently hold. If you are considering Rider, use every opportunity you can to get involved! Not only has it opened so many doors for me, it has allowed me to find my best friends who I would not be complete without." Riley is a junior health sciences major with minors in Spanish and psychology. She is a @riderorientation leader, a Bronc for a Day coordinator for @rideradmissions, a member of the Student Conduct Board, a member of @axid_rider, a committee member for @riderurelay, involved with @1077thebronc, and most recently elected as executive vice president for @ridersga and president of @rider_panhellenic.