How Cory Mayo found his #HomeAtRider: "After doing Bronc for a Day, I knew Rider was the place for me. I've had so many memorable moments at this school, but the night I officially joined Theta Chi Fraternity has been my most impactful memory because of all the growth and friends I've been able to make from it. It's been the backbone that has molded me into an all around, more professional, social and engaged member of the Rider community. I love the men and the opportunities it has provided me with over the years and I wouldn't trade it for the world. My main piece of advice for someone thinking of coming to Rider is, figure out your values. For me, comfortability and family are two of my most important values, so when you visit, take a chance to see the interactions students are having and see if it resembles a place you can see yourself at. I shadowed classes in high school and my mentor showed me everything she was involved in and had me interact with her friend group and instantly envisioned myself in the same setting if I chose Rider and I was right." Cory is an accounting major with a minor in entrepreneurial studies, the vice president of @thetachi_rideru and @riderifc, and a member of @rider_unified_sports. Cory also serves as a student worker for the @theriderpub and the Rider disbursements office. He is also AJ the Bronc!