How Angelica Garcia found her #HomeAtRider: "Coming from Puerto Rico, I was extremely nervous about going to college so far away from my friends and family, but as soon as I stepped foot on Rider's campus I knew I had found my home away from home. Rider has given me endless leadership opportunities, lifelong friends and memories I'll cherish forever. I can safely say that Rider's community is unlike any other and it has truly helped me evolve into the person I am today. I have so many great memories from my time at Rider so far, but some of the best would have to be getting elected president of such an amazing organization and getting to cover all of Rider's amazing events through my social media assistant job! My best piece of advice would be to take advantage of all the amazing opportunities and experiences Rider has to offer because you won't regret it!" Angelica is a senior majoring in marketing with a minor in information systems. Angelica is the captain of @rider_tennis, president of @dphierider and a social media assistant for University Marketing and Communications. She also served as a Spanish content tutor for @rider_asc.