How Angel Sanches found his #HomeAtRider: “I knew Rider was the right fit when I walked on campus and felt the instant sense of community and belonging. I knew that I would have the best ability to grow as an individual here. My favorite memory was becoming a tour guide my freshman year. It opened up so many different opportunities for me and gave me confidence to explore new things like Greek life and other clubs. I came in as a freshman timid and worried about fitting in, but once I expanded my horizon and tried new things, I got involved so quickly and I truly felt like I was a part of Rider’s community. Be open-minded and don’t be afraid to try new things!" Angel is a junior political science major with a double minor in legal studies and criminal justice. He is a brother and vice president of @sigepnjz's Residential Learning Community, a tour guide and junior admissions fellow for @rideruadmissions, and a member of the @riderultimate frisbee team. Angel will also be serving as a @riderorientation leader this summer! (Some photos taken before COVID-19) #GoBroncs