Dr. Anthony Kosar is a Professor in the Music Composition, History, and Theory Department (chair from 2008 until 2014) at Westminster Choir College of Rider University, where he has been on the faculty since 1984. He received his Bachelor of Music in Music Theory and Composition from West Liberty State College, his Master of Music in Music Theory and Composition from Southern Illinois University, and his Ph.D. in Music Theory from The Ohio State University. His articles on music theory pedagogy have been published in the College Music Society Symposium, the Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy, and the Journal of the Georgia Association of Music Theorists. Dr. Kosar has presented papers on theory pedagogy and Debussy at the South Central Society for Music Theory Conference, the Texas Society for Music Theory Conference, the National Society for Music Theory Conference, and the International Symposium on Music in France (1830-1940) in Melbourne, Australia. His most recent research deals with narrative time in American country music, and he has presented papers on this topic at the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities (2010, 2013), the Time Theories and Music Conference in Corfu, Greece (2012), “Changing the Tune”: Popular Music & Politics in the 21st Century From the Fall of Communism to the Arab Spring, an International Conference at Strasbourg University, France (2013), "Real Country? Geographic, Cultural and Stylistic Challenges to the Country Music Genre," an International Conference at Strasbourg University, France, (2013), “The Languages of Popular Music: Communicating Regional Musics in a Globalized World,” an International Conference at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany (2014), the Annual International Country Music Conference in Nashville, TN, (2015; 2017; 2018), and "Back to the Future: Popular Music and Time," the 19th Biennial IASPM Conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil (2015). His articles on country music have been published in the International Journal of Country Music (2016) and the Journal of Popular Music (2017).