B.A., Hartwick College; M.S., Ohio State University; Ph.D. University of Maryland. He studies the behavioral ecology of marine animals with an emphasis on the mating behavior of blue crabs. Dr. Jivoff joined the faculty in 2002.
2000-2002 Research Associate, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
1997-2000 Post Doctoral Associate, Rutgers University Marine Field Station
1995-97 Post Doctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Marine Station
1995 Ph.D. Zoology, University of Maryland
1986 M.S. Environmental Biology, Ohio State University
1983 B.A. Biology, Hartwick College
Research Interests
Behavioral Ecology, Animal Behavior, Marine Biology
I am interested in the influence of sexual competition on courtship and mating behavior, particularly in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. I am also interested in the potential impacts of fishing on blue crab reproduction. Currently, I am assessing the population structure (e.g., abundance, size distribution, sex ratio) and various measures of reproductive potential (e.g., sperm stores of both sexes, brood production and fecundity of females) of adult blue crabs in Barnegat Bay.
Recent Research Funding
- Jivoff, P. The effect of artificial shoreline on habitat quality and mortality of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus. Barnegat Bay Estuary Program. Funded 2005-2006
- Jivoff, P. The impact of artificial shorelines on species diversity, secondary production and habitat quality in Barnegat Bay. Barnegat Bay Estuary Program. Funded 2006-2007
- Jivoff, P. Assessing population structure, reproductive potential and fishing effort for blue crabs in Barnegat Bay. Barnegat Bay Estuary Program. Funded 2007-2008
- Jivoff, P. Assessing population structure, reproductive potential and movement of adult blue crabs in Barnegat Bay. Barnegat Bay Estuary Program. Funded 2009-2010
- Jivoff, P. Fecundity of Barnegat Bay blue crabs: the influence of size, season and relative fishing effort. Barnegat Bay Estuary Program. Funded 2010-2011
- Jivoff, P. Ecological Evaluation of Sedge Island Marine Conservation Area in Barnegat Bay. NJ-Department of Environmental Protection. Funded 2011-2013
- Able, K.W., Grothues, T., and Jivoff, P. Assessment of Fish and Crab Responses to Human Alteration in Barnegat Bay. NJ-Department of Environmental Protection. Funded 2011-2014
- Jivoff, P. Ecological Evaluation of Sedge Island Marine Conservation Area in Barnegat Bay. NJ-Department of Environmental Protection. Funded 2016
Courses Taught
- Principles of Biology II (BIO-116)
- Introduction to Marine Biology with Lab (BIO 272)
- Behavior of Marine Organisms with Lab (BIO 372)
- Science and Politics of the NJ Shore (BHP 232)
Recent Abstracts Presented (* indicates undergraduate student)
- Jivoff, P. , *S. Belgiovene, *A. Johnson and *M. Shaw. Spawning biology of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in Barnegat Bay, NJ. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Spring Meeting 2012, Mid-Atlantic Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Spring Meeting 2012, Benthic Ecology Meetings, 2012.
- Jivoff, P. , Able, K.W., Grothues, T.M. Assessing the impact of human urbanization on blue crabs in Barnegat Bay, NJ. Mid-Atlantic Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Fall Meeting, 2012.
- Jivoff, P. , *Kels, J., *McCarthy, J. *Moritzen, L, *Young, A. The relative ecological value of the Sedge Island Marine Conservation Zone in Barnegat Bay, NJ. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Fall Meeting, 2012.
- Jivoff, Paul R. ; *Moritzen, L., *Barton, A., *Kels, J., *McCarthy, J., *Young, A., *Ferdinando, P., *Pandolfo, F., *Tighe, C. Impact of heated effluent from the Oyster Creek generating station on blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in Barnegat Bay, NJ. Mid-Atlantic Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Fall Meeting, 2013.
- Jivoff, Paul R. ; *Moritzen, L., *Barton, A., *Kels, J., *McCarthy, J., *Young, A., *Ferdinando, P., *Pandolfo, F., *Tighe, C. Impact of heated effluent from the Oyster Creek generating station on blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in Barnegat Bay, NJ. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Spring Meeting, 2014.
- Jivoff, Paul R.; *Moritzen, L., *Barton, A., *Kels, J., *McCarthy, J., *Young, A., *Ferdinando, P., *Pandolfo, F., *Tighe, C. Adult blue crabs in the Sedge Island Marine Conservation Zone: Evidence of reduced fishing effects? Mid-Atlantic Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Fall Meeting, 2015.
- Jivoff, Paul R. ; *Moritzen, L., *Barton, A., *DeRemer, A., *Ferdinando, P.,*Kels, J., *McCarthy, J., *Pandolfo, F., *Rosen, M., *Tighe, C., *Young, A. The influence of urbanization at two spatial scales on blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in Barnegat Bay, NJ. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Spring Meeting, 2016.
Selected Publications (* indicates undergraduate student)
- Jivoff, Paul R., *Laura Moritzen, *Jade Kels, *Julie McCarthy, *Amanda Young, *Amber Barton, *PilarFerdinando, *Frank Pandolfo, *Chelsea Tighe. 2017. The Relative Importance of the Sedge Island Marine Conservation Zone for Adult Blue Crabs in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Journal of Coastal Research.
- Jivoff, Paul R., *Jennifer M. Smith, *Valerie L. Sodi, *Stacy M. VanMorter, *Kathryn M. Faugno, *Amy L.Werda, *Margaret J. Shaw. 2016. Population structure of adult blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in relation to physical characteristics in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Estuaries and Coasts. DO10.1007/s12237-016-0127-8
- Jivoff, P., Hines, A.H., Quackenbush, S. 2007. Reproduction Biology and Embryonic Development. In:The Blue Crab,Callinectes sapidus. V.S. Kennedy and L.E. Cronin (eds). Maryland Seagrant, CollegePark MD. 774 pp.
- Able, K.W., Balletto, J.H., Hagan, S.H.,Jivoff, P.R.and Strait, K.A. 2007. Linkages between salt marshes and other nekton habitats in the Delaware Bay landscape. Reviews in Fisheries Science 15: 1–61.
- Lee, K.T.,P. Jivoff, and R.E. Bishop. 2005. A low cost, reliable method for quantifying coloration in Carcinus maenas. Crustaceana 78 (5): 579-590.
- C.E. DeRivera, Ruiz, G.M., Hines, A.H. and Jivoff, P.2005. Biotic resistance to invasion: native predator limits abundance and distribution of an introduced crab. Ecology 86: 3364-3376.
- Jivoff, P. 2003. A review of male mating success in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in reference to the potential for fisheries-induced sperm limitation. Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 273-286.
- Jivoff, P. 2003. Summary Paper: Reproduction and Embryonic Development Session, Blue Crab Symposium 2000. Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 265-272.
- Hines, A.H.,Jivoff, P.R., Bushmann, P.J., van Montfrans, J., Reed, S.A., Wolcott, D.L. and Wolcott, T.G. 2003. Evidence for sperm limitation in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Bulletin of Marine Science 72:287-310.
- Jivoff, P. and Able, K.W. 2001. Characterization of the fish and selected decapods in Little Egg Harbor.Journal of Coastal Research SI32: 178-196.
- Jivoff, P.and Able, K.W. 2003. Evaluating salt marsh restoration in Delaware Bay: The response of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, at former salt hay farms. Estuaries 26: 709-719.
- Jivoff, P.and Able, K.W. 2003. Blue crab,Callinectes sapidus, response to the invasive common reed, Phragmites australis: Abundance, size, sex ratio, and molting frequency. Estuaries 26: 587-595.
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