We’ve gathered some of the world’s best personality and interest assessments to help you hone in on who you are and what you’re most passionate about.
Career Planning Tool
How much does it cost: Free to Rider students and Alumni
How long does it take? 30 minutes
Focus 2 is a career, major, and education planning system. It helps clarify your academic and career goals. The inventory takes about 30 minutes to complete. You can start, save your choices, and return to finish at any time.
What you get: Focus 2 engages and supports Rider students in the career planning process by guiding them through a series of reliable, intuitive and helpful assessments. These assessments aid students in choosing a major that is offered at Rider, exploring many various professional paths and making informed academic and career decisions to achieve success.
Your Access Code is: bronc
All new users need to fill out the requested information on the registration form and create their own unique username and password. Once they submit the form, a FOCUS 2 CAREER account will be activated for them and they will be brought directly into the system. Each time they return to use FOCUS 2 CAREER, they simply enter their username and password.
Other Assessment Tools
Need additional help? We've carefully selected a proven array of tests and assessment tools to help you navigate through your career choices and discover the positions that inspire and motivate you.
The Jung Typology TestTM
How much does it cost: Free
How long does it take? 30 minutes
Similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, The Jung assessment asks you to qualify statements about how you perceive the world. You’ll respond to 56 statements and indicate whether or not they apply to you, and how much.
What you get: Upon completion, you’ll receive a description of your personality type.
Personal Values Assessment (PVA)
How much does it cost: Free
How long does it take? 15 minutes
Values reflect what is important to us, describe our individual motivations, and drive our decision-making.
What you get: This assessment will help you better understand your values so you can better understand your reactions and actions.
Clifton Strengths Finder
How much does it cost: $12 – $15
Format: book
The Clifton Strengths Finder assesses personality through Positive Psychology. The assessment presents 177 items to you. Each item consists of a pair of potential self-descriptors, such as "I read instructions carefully" versus "I like to jump right into things." You’re asked to choose the descriptor that best describes you, and to identify which that chosen option is descriptive of you. You are given 20 seconds to respond to a given pair of descriptors before the assessment automatically presents the next pair.
What you get: You'll receive a personalized Strengths Report, an Action-Planning Guide and access to an online Strengths Community.