Background Information
- Doctor of Public Health, 2014, Columbia University, Sociomedical Sciences
- Master of Public Health, 1992, City University of New York - Hunter College, Community Health
- Bachelor's of Arts, 1988, Dickinson College, International Studies, Political Science
Areas of Focus
Population and public health, social and environmental determinants of health, and urban health issues.
- Dissertation: Social Capital and Health: a Multidimensional Approach. Examined social capital in poor communities and issues of differential access to resources and its impact on maternal smoking and alcohol use.
- Wallace, R. and McCarthy, K. (2007). The unstable public-health ecology of the New York Metropolitan Region: Implications for accelerated national spread of emerging infection. Environment and Planning A, 39:5, 1181-1192.
- Adaptation of immigrant children in the United States: A review of the literature. Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Princeton University Working Paper #98-03.