Program overview

Strengthen your knowledge, skills and credentials, and prepare to help others reach their full potential with Rider’s Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Certificate. The ABA Certificate is designed for current Rider undergraduate students who are interested in taking graduate level coursework to learn more about supporting the behavioral and learning needs across the broad range of human neurodiversity. 

This program also offers an exciting opportunity for students to apply their learned skills during an instructive, hands-on capstone project that provides invaluable field experience and points towards their Engaged Learning requirements.

Students in a study group

Admission requirements

Students may enroll in the ABA Certificate program upon completion of PSY 212 (Intro to ABA) with a grade of C+ or better.

Program requirements

The ABA Certificate is intended for current Rider undergraduate students majoring in psychology, or elementary education and psychology double majors who minor in special education. The program curriculum will help students supplement their major, give them the opportunity to become ABA certified and offer strong preparation for entry level positions or graduate studies.

Undergraduate psychology majors looking to become Board Certified Behavior Analysts® (BCBA®) should consider our accelerated Master degree option in Applied Psychology, Applied Behavior Analysis concentration. This accelerated program combines undergraduate psychology study leading to a Bachelor’s of Arts degree with graduate study leading to a Masters of Arts in Applied Psychology. Contact your advisor for more information.

*Credits earned towards the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) certificate are not applicable to M.A. in Applied Psychology (ABA).


Nadia Ansary

Professor, Department Chair

Department of Psychology

Mike and Patti Hennessy Science and Technology Center

nansary [at]


Academic Focus: Psychology

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