Karaban completed Rider’s RN-BSN program earning straight A’s. Due to her high academic achievements, she is also a member of The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) which is the nation's largest leadership honor society.
Karaban is an English as a second language student.
While completing her studies, Karaban worked full-time in the nursing field.
Kamila Karaban faced unexpected challenges on her way to her nursing degree.
As a recent graduate, working full-time in the nursing profession, Karaban entered Rider’s RN-BSN program to earn her bachelor’s degree in nursing and further advance her opportunities in the field. With an already demanding schedule, working as a new nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic, Karaban also balanced her studies with celebrating the life milestones of wedding planning and purchasing a home. Suddenly, at the beginning of the second year of her program at Rider, Karaban unexpectedly became a caregiver after learning her mother was diagnosed with cancer.
“Taking care of my mother, bringing her to chemotherapy treatments and staying up until five in the morning almost every night doing my schoolwork and then going to work was difficult. It was not easy to focus on school while facing all of the challenges, but I did not quit.”
Faculty adding compassion to their curriculum helped Karaban forge ahead.
“As a student, I learned how important and necessary it is to have supportive professors to be successful. They all had my back, supported me and motivated me to continue my studies, even though there were times when I doubted I’d be successful due to the challenges that I was facing. During my moments of doubt, I would repeat in my head the encouraging and inspiring words my professors shared with me.”
Karaban credits Rider nursing faculty Dr. Lori Prol and Dr. Rosemary Fliszar for providing tremendous support saying, “They made me feel worthy, intelligent and capable of climbing even the hardest mountains. I finished my program with straight A's and also honors not only because of how determined I was but also because of how amazing and caring all of the faculty members were.”
“Faculty are probably not even aware of how inspiring they are to students and how much of a positive impact they have on students' lives. I would not be where I am today if it was not for their knowledge, motivation and support.”

Rider is an amazing University. It is challenging enough for a student to gain powerful knowledge, wisdom and skills, but Rider has very supportive faculty and staff who go above and beyond to help students to be successful in their studies and career.”
How her Rider training helped her navigate working in healthcare during COVID-19
“The COVID pandemic was something unexpected and challenging for all healthcare workers. We had to communicate and collaborate with each other in conditions and situations caused by the pandemic that many never faced before. My classes at Rider improved my communication skills as well as my interpersonal collaboration. During the pandemic, great communication and collaboration were critical. Without those skills, our unit wouldn't be successful and patients, as well as healthcare workers, would suffer.”
Karaban continues, “Thanks to Rider I became a better advocate for the patients and their families. In general, nurses need to be great advocates for their patients but during the pandemic even more so. Patients and their families were confused, scared and unsure who to trust or what to believe.”
We have nursing students that come to our unit for clinical and I often tell them that though there are a lot of RN-BSN programs offered by various schools, it is important to choose a good one with an excellent reputation like Rider University because it matters for future employment and for further education.”
Taking her calling and career to the next level
Karaban currently works at the JFK University Medical Center in the neuroscience intensive care unit (neuro ICU). This specially trained area provides an intermediate level of care between the intensive care unit (ICU) and the general medical ward for patients who have suffered severe brain injuries.
“I work with patients who have experienced various types of strokes and often are paralyzed, confused and have difficulty speaking. Though it is a very challenging unit, my work is rewarding.”
She attributes her Rider training for preparing her to become a more confident nurse both on and off the unit.
“I’ve become more involved in various activities and committees at my hospital. I belong to a new nurse council where selected nurses from various units have monthly meetings to discuss how we can change or improve the experience for new nurses that are hired at our hospital. We come up with various solutions and changes for the unit, and for new nurses, and implement them on the units to help new nurses to have the best and most beneficial experience. I also became a preceptor on my unit training new nurses.”
College of Arts and Sciences: School of Science, Technology and Mathematics
Rider’s School of Science, Technology and Mathematics is where innovation lives. Our programs emphasize problem solving, effective communication, hands-on experience, collaboration and diverse perspectives to prepare students to turn their passion for helping others into fulfilling careers. Plus, our outstanding faculty bring their knowledge and expertise to the classroom to help students reach their full potential.