Barone was actively involved in campus clubs, organizations and committees, including the Student Government Association (SGA), Transfer Student Association, Omicron Delta Kappa, Community Standards, and the LGBTQIA+ Tripartite Committee.

At Rider, Barone completed two student teaching experiences at Hopewell Valley Central High and Lawrence Middle School.
Barone transferred to Rider from a community college in her home state of Maryland. She was also a recipient of Rider’s Transfer Trustee Scholarship, a prestigious full-tuition scholarship awarded to only three top students who transfer from community colleges.
When looking for a four-year institution to transfer to, Barone, who is a native of Baltimore, MD, worried she wouldn’t experience the same level of support or sense of belonging she felt at her Maryland community college. Luckily, Rider’s dedicated staff made her feel at home before she even arrived. She notes that the support she received while navigating the transfer admission process was, “incredibly warm, friendly and unforgettable.” Additionally, she was awarded Rider’s Transfer Trustee Scholarship, a full-tuition scholarship awarded to only three top students who transfer from a community college.
The Transfer Trustee Scholarship was the most wonderful gift my family and I could have received. Without it, I would not have been able to continue in higher education, be as involved on campus as I was and obtain my degree.”
After arriving on campus, Barone quickly settled into all that Rider had to offer and became actively involved in various campus organizations. Notably, she served as the 2021-22 international vice president of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), an international honor society. As part of her work, she and fellow members worked to launch the CCsmart (Community College Smart) initiative, which works to remove the stigma surrounding attending community colleges. The initiative aims to provide students with reliable information about the positive aspects and opportunities of attending a community college and other available resources.
“My involvement in clubs, organizations, and committees like the Student Government Association, Transfer Student Association, Omicron Delta Kappa, Community Standards, and the LGBTQIA+ Tripartite Committee allowed me to gain confidence as a campus leader and helped me further my passion for both K-12 education and higher education,” says Barone.
She continues, “I found that through my work, I strive to be an advocate for myself and others, something that, years ago, I would never have been able to do with as much ease as I did at Rider.”
On the academic side, the education major found success through experiential experiences that took her learning beyond the classroom, including student teaching at Hopewell Valley Central High and Lawrence Middle School. While at Lawrence Middle School, she worked in the Extended Curriculum Program, which follows students through their middle school years to complete research and work on issues within their communities. She was also recognized for related research work when she placed third in the John S. Lewis Award Essay and Social Action Project Awards (given on behalf of Rider’s Multicultural Studies Program) for her essay on the unity of family in Black and multi-ethnic children's literature and films.
I firmly believe that without Rider and the plentiful opportunities I’ve been provided, I would not be the professional, educator, or advocate that I am today and for that, I am forever grateful.”
After graduating from Rider in May 2023, she returned to her home state to start a teaching position with the Anne Arundel County Public School District, which is the same school district where she attended school. Longterm, after pursuing a teaching career, she hopes to earn advanced degrees with an end goal of working in higher education.
Rider’s College of Education and Human Services
Rider University’s College of Education and Human Services will set the foundation for your success through direct experiences in every imaginable setting. The connections you’ll make here will transform your potential and passion for teaching into a successful career as a lifelong learner and educator.