Academic background
- J. D. School of Law, University of Arkansas; Fayetteville, Arkansas. May 1990
- Ph. D. Education Psychology (Counseling): Department of Educational Psychology; Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, Illinois May 1983
- M. A. Interpersonal Communication; Minor in Counseling Psychology, Wheaton Graduate School, Wheaton, Illinois. June 1980
- B. A. Religious Studies; Minor in Counseling Psychology; Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. Dec 1978
Books and book chapters
- Ahia, C.E. (2011) The Danger-to-Self-or-Others Exception to Confidentiality. 2nd Ed. Lanham: MD The Rowman & Littlefield Pub.
- Ahia, C.E. (2010) Legal and Ethical Dictionary for Mental Health Professions. 2nd Ed. Lanham: MD University Press Of America.
- Ahia, C.E. (2003) Legal and Ethical Dictionary for Mental Health Professionals. Lanhan: MD. University Press of America.
- Ahia, C.E. (2005). “A Cultural Framework for Counseling African-Americans.” In Lee, C. et al., Multicultural Issues in Counseling: New Approaches to Diversity. 3rd edition ACA Press (Chapter 5).
- Ahia, C.E. and Martin, D. (1993). The Danger to Self and Others Exception to Confidentiality. The ACA Legal Series. Alexandria, VA: Vol. 8.
- Ahia, C.E. (1992) “Afrocentric International Education: Linking Heritage, multicultural identity development, and scholarship” in C.J. Smith (ed.) Educating for the 21st Century: Blacks on Predominantly White Campuses (pp. 1-7). Washington, D.C.: NAFEO.
Selected refereed publications
- Spiegelhoff, S. and Ahia,C.E. (2010) Impact of Parental Mental Illness: Ethical and Clinical Issues for Mental Health Counselors, Journal of Mental Health Counseling.
- Dombrowski, S.C., LeMasney. J.W., Ahia, C.E., and Dickson, S.A. (2004) Protecting Children from Online Sexual Predators: Technological, Psychoeducational, and Legal Considerations, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice Vol. 35, (1), 65-73.
- Dombrowski, S.C., Ahia, C.E., and McQuillan, K. (2003). “Protecting Children through Mandated Child Abuse Reporting”. The Educational Forum, Winter Edition.
- Ahia, C.E. (2002). “Insanity Defense”. In Magill’s Encyclopedia of Psychology, Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
- Ahia, C.E. (1995). “Clarifying Some Facts About Counselor Licensure and Certification in New Jersey”. NJCA Newsletter. Spring.
- Ahia, C.E. (1992). Impact of Geopolitical Crises on the Formation on Maintenance Of Multicultural Counseling Relationships: Insights from Case Studies. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, Vol. 12, 16, 27-35.
- Ahia, C.E. (1991). Cultural Contextualization of Diagnostic Signs, Symptoms, and Symbols in International Mental Health: A Focus on DSM-III R. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. Vol. 6, 1, 35-37.
- Ahia, C.E., Ahia, R.N., Guyton, R. (1988). Health Risk Behavior of Foreign Students: A Guide for Health Counseling. Abstract Book. American College Health Conference. Denver, Colorado. May 24-28.
- Ahia, C.E. (1985). Protecting Peer Counselors from Occupational Hazards. Peeo Facilitator Quarterly. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2-4.
- Ahia, C.E. (1985). Cross-Cultural Counseling Facts: A Reply to Patricia M. Arrendonodo. Journal of Counseling and Development. Vol. 63, 5, 587.
- Ahia, C.E. (1984). Cross-Cultural Counseling Concerns. The Personnel and Guidance Journal. Vol. 62, No. 6, 76-82.
- Ahia, C.E. (1984). Psychological Thoughts and Practices in Traditional Nigeria: Implications for International Students Counseling and Mental Health Development. The Journal of International Students Personnel. Vol. 7, 2, 149-157.
- Ahia, C.E. and Bradley, R.W. (1984). Assessments of Secondary School Students’ Needs. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling. Vol. 7, 2, 149-157.
- Daniels, M.H. and Ahia, C.E. (1982). A Career Skills Approach to Career Education. The Rural Educator. Vol. 4, No. 2, 11-14, Winter.
- Ahia, C.E. (1984). Psychological Thoughts and Practices in Traditional Nigeria: Implications for International Students Counseling and Mental Health Development. The Journal of International Students Personnel. Vol. 7, 2, 149-157.
Selected presentations at professional conferences/agencies
- Ahia, C.E. (2015) Licensure Board Actions Against Professional Counselors: Implications for Counselor Training and Practice. ACES National Conference, Philadelphia PA. March 21-24.
- Ahia C. E. (2013) A Mental Health Perspective on School Bullying Law: Legal, Ethical and Professional Considerations. ACA Conference, March 21-24.
- Ahia, C.E., and Johnson, C. (2007) Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling Supervision. New Jersey Counseling Association, Annual Conference. April 22-24.
- Ahia, C. E. Marketing Your Private Practice Legal and Ethical Issues. New Jersey Counseling Association, Annual Conference, Sheraton at Eatontown, April 22-24.
- Ahia, C.E. (2006) A Case for Professional Peace Counselors in Post War Environments: 11th International Counseling Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 28, 2006-Jan 2, 2007.
- Ahia, C.E. (2004) Becoming an Effective Counseling Supervisor: Legal Ethical & Multicultural Issues. New Jersey Counseling Association (NJCA) Annual Conference, Sheraton at Eatontown, NJ. May 4.
- Ahia, C.E. (2003) Post-War Disaster Mental Health Services: The Case of Liberia. American Counseling Association (ACA) Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA, March 24.
- Ahia, C.E. (2000) Multicultural Issues in Counseling Supervision, at 8th International Counseling Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica, June 15-16.
- Ahia, C.E. (1999) “Peer-Supervision: A Working Model.” NJCA Annual Conference. Atlantic City, April 17.
- Ahia, C.E. (2003). Confidentiality in School-Based Programs. New Jersey Department Of Human Services Meeting of School-based Mental Health Professionals.
- Ahia, C.E. (2003). Post-War Disaster Mental Health Services: The Case of Liberia. American Counseling Association Annual Conference. March 24.
- Ahia, C.E. (2000). Multicultural and Ethical Issues in Counseling Supervision. 8th International Counseling Conference. June 15-16, San Jose, Costa Rico.
- Ahia, C.E. et al. (1999) Peer Supervision: A Working Model. NJCA Annual Conference. April 17.
- Ahia, C.E. (1999). The Making of a Multicultural Professional. Somerset Board of Education. September 7.
- Ahia, C.E. (1999). Legal Issues in School Counseling. Mercer County School Counselor Association Conference. Lawrenceville, NJ. April 22
- Ahia, C.E. & Carter, R. (1998). Role Modeling for African-American Students: An Exploration of the Myths and Realities. New Jersey School for Counselors Association. Professional Development Conference. Monmouth Junction, NJ. October 25-26.
- Ahia, C.E. (1997) Counseling and Behavioral Management of Juvenile Criminal Offenders (JCO’S). NARACES Conference. Plattsburg, N.Y. October 24-25.
- Ahia, C.E., Lyons, S., Szyonanski, E. (1996). Marriage Mediation: Tools and Techniques for Counselors. NJCA Annual Conference. March 17-19.
- Ahia, C.E. (1996). The Role of Black Males in Community Development. New Jersey Million Man March Committee. Trenton, NJ. Saturday, January 26.
- Ahia, C.E. (1996). Divorce Mediation Issues in Counseling. ACA National Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. April 16.
- Ahia, C.E. (1996). The Black Family and the Responsibility of the Black Community to the Plight of the Homeless. New Jersey Community Service Association. Newark, NJ.
- Ahia, C.E. (1996). Family Involvement in Providing Social and Psychological Support for the Addictive Personality. Harris House. Trenton, NJ.
- Ahia, C.E. (1995). Instructing the Multicultural/Ethic Learner. Matawan-Aberdeen School District. October 9.
- Ahia, C. E. (1995). Managing Multicultural Identity Regression. NJCA Annual Conference. March 12-14.
- Ahia, C.E. (1995). Functional Multicultural Identity. NJCA Annual Conference. March 12.
- Ahia, C.E. (1994). Multiculturalism and Professionalism: Issues for School Administrators and Counselors. Ewing Township Public School Staff Development. September 30.
- Ahia, C.E. (1994). Emerging Leadership Workshops II. (Panelist) North Atlantic Region Branch Assembly of ACA, Washington, D.C.. October 7-10.
- Ahia, C.E. (1993). Integrating Diversity and Multiculturalism into the Education System: The Issues and Processes. Highland Park School District/Highland Park Committee on Race Relations, October 6.
- Ahia, C.E. (1993). Profiles in Multicultural Identity Development. Annual Meeting of New Jersey Association of Multicultural Counseling. October 6.
- National Certified Counselor #20060
- Attorney at Law #74261PA
- Licensed Professional Counselor - NJ#37PC00213100
- Licensed Professional Counselor – PA#PC002655