Min Young Yoon, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Management at the Norm Brodsky College of Business at Rider University. Her research focuses on diversity & inclusion, gender, allyship, and work-family interface.
Min Young Yoon CV (PDF)
Academic Background
- Ph.D. Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University; Major: Management & Organization
- M.A. Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick; Major: Management & Organizational Analysis
- B.S. College of Liberal Arts, Yonsei University; Major: Psychology (Double major: Business Administration)
Refereed Articles
- Yoon, M. Y., Joshi, A., & Dang, C. T. (2023) Male Privilege Awareness and Relational Well-Being at Work: An Allyship Pathway. Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 24(2), 149–161.
Recent Presentation of Refereed Papers
- Yoon, M. Y. 2023. The Effects of Men’s Paternal Nurturant Imprint (PNI) on Their Partners’ Work- Family Functioning Among Dual Earner Couples. Presented at the British Academy of Management 2023 Conference, Brighton.
- Chen, A., Yan, L., Yoon, M. Y. 2023. Do They Deserve My Support? A Moral Perspective on Coworker Intervention in anti-Asian Racism. Presented at the 83rd annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
- Yoon, M. Y., Joshi, A., & Dang, C. 2022. How Gender Allyship Promotes Males’ Relational Wellbeing at Work. Presented at the 82nd annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle.
- Yoon, M. Y., Joshi, A. 2019. Agency and Expressiveness as Dimensions of Male Leader Prototypes. Presented at the 79th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
- Yoon, M. Y. 2019. Adversaries or Allies of High Performing Women in a Politicized World, Presented at the 79th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
- Yoon, M. Y., Joshi, A., & Briscoe, F. Symposium. 2019. Ignoring the Elephant (And Donkey) In the Room: Political Ideology in Organizations. Presented at the 34th annual meeting of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, National Harbor.
- Yoon, M. Y. 2018. Organizer of the symposium, Moving the Needle Forward: An Actionable Agenda for Diversity Research. Presented at the 78th annual meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago.
- Yoon, M. Y., & Joshi, A. 2018. How Diversity Practices Can Lower the Gender Gap in Resource Allocation. Paper presented at the 78th annual meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago.
- Yoon, M. Y. 2017. How Interdisciplinary Teams Elicit Collaborative Communication. Paper presented at the 77th annual meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta.
- Yoon, M. Y., Kim, G., Lee, S., & Sohn, Y. W. I Perceive Your Envy and I Behave Well: Moderating Roles of Fear of Negative Evaluation and Need To Belong in the Relationship between Perceived Envy and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), 2016, San Diego.
Course Design and Instruction
- Managing Workforce Diversity (MGT 320, 3 credits) (4.92/5.0)
Spring 2023, Spring 2024 - Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior (MGT 201, 3 credits) (4.70/5.0)
Fall 2022 (2 sections), Spring 2023 (2 sections), Fall 2023 (3 sections), Spring 2024 (2 sections) - Organizational Behavior and Design, Instructor (MGMT 326, 3 credits) (6.55/7.0)
Fall 2019, Spring 2019 - Introduction to Korean Culture and Commerce, Teaching Assistant, Yonsei University, 2015
- Successful Career Planning, Invited Lecturer, Yonsei University, 2014