If It's Worth Doing, It's Worth Going ALL IN
Please join your colleagues in making a gift to the department or cause at the University that you are most passionate about or view some suggested giving options to support Rider University students.
I'm All In
Send a powerful message that Rider is more than a place to work – it is a community that stands together and believes that their work matters.
Ways to Give
- Payroll deduction: A gift of any size can be deducted from each paycheck. Complete the enrollment form to get started.
- Write a check payable to The Rider Scholarship Fund or other designation. Checks can be sent to the Office of Annual Giving via interoffice mail to LIB 137.
- Give online with a credit card.
- Make a lasting impact through planned giving.

Mike Reca has supported Rider Athletics for 24 years
I support Rider because Rider supports its community. Rider has always been about bringing out the best in everyone. I see it every day, and I embrace it.

William Eggert supports The Rider Scholarship Fund
I choose to support Rider because Rider supported me by providing my two sons with a tuition-free education. Without this benefit from Rider, both of my sons would have the hurdle of student loans to repay.