Faculty, staff and students on the Lawrenceville and Princeton campuses are working together now more than ever before
- Westminster Choir College students were bused to Lawrenceville for a performance of Rider’s first play of the fall 2015 season, The Penelopiad.
- After a performance of the play, a DJ party was held in The Pub for students from both campuses.
- A Westminster Choir College opera was held in the Yvonne Theater on the Lawrenceville campus for the first time ever, and this spring, School of Fine and Performing Arts faculty member Trent Blanton will direct the spring opera at Westminster Choir College.
- A new faculty-staff committee has been created with the specific aim of cultivating cross-campus relations.
- The Student Government Associations of Princeton and Lawrenceville co-produced a cross-campus talent showcase that was shown on both campuses in February.
- A videoconference classroom is being built in Lawrenceville and in Princeton, which will allow classes and meetings to be held simultaneously on both campuses.
- The Student Government Associations of Princeton and Lawrenceville have appointed members to each other’s boards to foster greater collaboration.